Every little step counts!
Well hello everybody! It has been such a long time since I last blogged. At the beginning of the New Year, I promised myself I would try to blog more… but I just really lost my “blogging confidence”. Over the past month or so, life has been rather odd. I can’t necessarily say that it has been amazing, but I can’t say that it has been terrible… it’s just been very weird…..
I have recently gotten into a relationship! Something I thought I never would do haha! I have gotten two firsts whilst at University, continued to make some amazing friends and we have two new beautiful babies in my family!
In February, after 7 long months run of NO INTRAVENOUS ANTIBIOTICS, my body decided that it needed some TLC. I was devastated initially. I thought that I had not done enough to keep my ‘NO IV’ spell going. I questioned my medicine regime, my exercise regime, my physio, you name it. But the truth is, I had gone through a harsh winter with NO extra help through IVs, I had only missed 4 days of University and I had a new lease of independence – my body was just RUN DOWN.
So, I got admitted to hospital for 9 days. I was put on some Intravenous Antibiotics and then sent home with a two-week course of IVs. My lung function dropped to 63% whilst in hospital, and I was determined to increase it. I think as a ‘CFer’, I concentrate way too much on the ‘numbers’ and ‘measurements’ of my condition.
I really want to stress to anybody with CF reading this, NUMBERS ARE NOT EVERYTHING. Of course, they are important, I cannot deny this. But, there is more to your journey than lung function! I know it is so important and the satisfaction is amazing when there is an increase…. BUT, we can take other factors into account! Our effort into increasing Lung Function for one is an amazing achievement in itself! How we feel within ourselves, both mentally and physically? It can have a nasty impact, but let it motivate you to be better and realise how FAB you are.
So from this, I decided that I wanted to actually feel better and fulfilled regarding my overall health and fitness. I decided to go to the Gym and increase my exercise A LOT more. Whilst I was off university for the holidays, I began walking daily for an hour and then going to the Gym three or four times a week. I did think to myself at times ‘Oh my CHRIST, what am I doing to myself?”, but I am hoping it is paying off.
I am pleased to say things are looking up in the right direction. I have clinic tomorrow and I am nervous, I really am, but hopefully it’ll be good news. I have a feeling my chest may need a little more TLC, but I will have to see what my Team thinks.
‘A step forward is still a step of progress, no matter how big or small’. Having CF, or any chronic illness, is a full-time job, so don’t be hard on yourself and concentrate on the BIGGER picture! It still can be another good 7 months, despite what happens. Have faith in yourself, trust your instincts and take small steps.
I will be blogging again soon to tell you all what happened in Clinic!
All my love always,
Nube x